Do not be afraid

Ben DeHart
2 min readAug 10, 2020


Dear Friends,

In this Sunday’s Gospel reading, the disciples are in a life-threatening situation. Having set sail across the Sea of Galilee, a heavy gale interrupts their best laid plans. Depending on the translation, strong winds “beat,” “batter,” or “torment” their boat. Having rowed through the night into the early morning, the Twelve are exhausted and have gotten nowhere.

What’s more, ancient Near-Easterners were already afraid of the seas. They saw the oceans as the locus of chaos. So it’s understandable that in the realm of evil the disciples mistook the “Light of the World” for an apparition of death. And yet, it is here — in the midst of the storm — that Jesus reveals himself: “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.”

I don’t know about you, but the last six months have felt like a life-threatening situation. Covid-19, racial unrest, economic uncertainty… what a mess! And yet, it is in this very place — in the midst of the chaos — that Jesus says to you and me the same words he said to the disciples, “Take heart… do not be afraid.”

But what if you’ve been terrified like me, and, just like Peter, you all too often shift your eyes from the anchor of the cosmos to the chaotic winds of circumstance? What if, just like the disciples in the parallel story of the “Calming of the Storm,” you feel like Jesus is asleep in the lower decks?

My friends, Jesus is alive! Our Lord makes a way out of no way even now. And if you read this week’s text, you’ll see it doesn’t really matter if you believe it! Just finish the story: Peter is saved despite his terror. Go read the “Calming of the Storm:” the tempest is ceased despite the disciples’ lack of trust.

So take heart, “oh ye of little faith.” The living God is moving towards us in the midst of the mess. He will not let the waves swallow us up forever, for he is the God who saves.

Do not be afraid, fellow disciple. Jesus has conquered the chaos.


“The Scream” Edvard Munch



Ben DeHart
Ben DeHart

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