Dear Friends,
This Sunday is the beginning of the most important week of the church year. On Palm Sunday, everyone in church shouts two contradictory proclamations:
“Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!…”
“Crucify, crucify Him!”
It’s discombobulating. How are we supposed to feel? We’re saying one thing one minute and the opposite the next.
This is why Palm Sunday is also called Passion Sunday. It reminds us that our world can turn on a dime, that sudden changes in our circumstances can take us straight from praise to betrayal.
As Holy Week unfolds, we’ll see that well-meaning people like you and me are complicit in the worst injustice the world has ever known. But we’ll also see the power of God at work — in that very place — to make right all that has gone wrong.
(Palm Sunday 2018)